Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pain grillé avec la Tartinoise

It's a Saturday morning, and a day at the National Gallery, fabric buying and metro bustling awaits me. Before we set out, my sister Jone and I, we will need a proper brunch, and if we can't go round the corner for a beautiful French brioche (I am in London 2 more weeks), I will just have to make something a little delightful for the two of us. What could be more indulgent then nutella? Jone's favorite thing, I decided to whip up a little nutella stuffed french toast with bananas. That's about it. Not entirely creative or exotic, just a sweet little brunch for two ladies about to go look at some expensive picture frames.

1 comment:

  1. Most excellent. One must fuel the body well for a day of proper "bustling!"

    I suspect this is not the last nutella post we will be seeing, either....
